Thursday 4 August 2016

That Segun Adeniyi May Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!

That Segun Adeniyi May Wake Up and Smell the Coffee!

CAVEAT: I know Segun Adeniyi, the current chair of the editorial board of ThisDay newspapers, personally. He is a brilliant and intelligent patriot who, I believe, has Nigeria's best interests at heart. This piece should not be seen as an attack on the former presidential spokesman. It should be seen in the light of what it truly is, an emergency intervention. Voices like Adeniyi and others of his kind are national treasures. They should be jealously guarded and appreciated by the nation. Part of that guarding and appreciating involves gently calling their attention to unforced errors they may have made so that they have the opportunity to make a course correction. That is the light in which this piece should be seen. End of Caveat.


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