Saturday 1 October 2016

For our sake: The need for a united Nigeria at 56 and beyond – DaudaLawal

For our sake: The need for a united Nigeria at 56 and beyond – DaudaLawal

From a Neolithic and Iron Age Civilization by the Nok in the Present Day Jos in Plateau State as far back as 800 BC, to the 11th Century formation of the Hausa Kingdoms and Borno Dynasty in the North, Oyo and Benin Kingdoms in the South, to the founding of the Sokoto Caliphate in 1809, to the 1850s establishment of British presence around Lagos, to the 1914 Nigerian Protectorate, to our Independence from British rule in 1960, then the dark 30 months of the brutal Civil War which began in 1967, to Military Rule, then Democracy, to the Present Day, we have managed to present a ‘common front’ as a People.


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