Thursday 20 October 2016

So Because You Want to Look like Rihanna You are Now Eating Grass Ba? So out of all the weight loss solutions, you chose a diet plan. But can you see yourself living without fried rice, banga soup, agege bread and even ice cream for the rest of your life? Lord knows these are comfort foods, and if you find yourself craving or starving, then that diet plan is not a sustainable solution!

Photos: Nigerian pilot's lifelong ambition is to become the first African pilot in history to fly around the world solo

Nigerian Pilot Ademilola "Lola" Odujinrin with Djibouti's national flag carrier, Air Djibouti is on a mission to become the first African pilot in history to fly around the world solo.

Odujinrin has completed his first leg of the flight, flying a light single propeller aircraft. The Nigerian Avatar is continuing his journey around the world from Malta through Djibouti, India and Australia after finishing his first leg after crossing the Atlantic Ocean


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