Wednesday 27 July 2016

Ejike Eleweke, who is facing imminent execution in Indonesia maintains his innocence, refuses to sign paper

Fourteen death row prisoners from Nigeria,
Zimbabwe, Pakistan, India and Indonesia
were on Tuesday told they had 72 hours to
live, according to the Community Legal Aid
Many of these are filing eleventh hour
clemency pleas with President Joko Widodo,
even though some still maintain their
innocence. However preparations for the
executions are intensifying at Cilacap in
Central Java, the gateway to the penal island
of Nusakambangan, where the prisoners will
be shot dead by special police known as
BRIMOB around midnight on Friday.
Community Legal Aid Institute director Ricky
Gunawan and lawyer of Nigerian death row
inmate, Humphrey Ejike Jefferson Eleweke,
who was with the prisoners when they were
served with the papers marking the
beginning of the 72 hour countdown on
Tuesday said the Africans believed they had
been unfairly targeted.
"They said the Indonesian government
just hate us, they want to kill us
because we are black," Mr Gunawan.
xxxHis Nigerian client, Eleweke, who is
seeking clemency from the president
but maintains his innocence, refused
to sign the notification.
While Mr Eleweke hoped for a miracle, Mr
Gunawan said, he was aware it was unlikely
given Indonesians blame Africans for
bringing much of the illegal drugs into the
Mr Eleweke's trial judgement included the
statement that "black-skinned people from
Nigeria" are under surveillance by police
because they are suspected of drug
trafficking in Indonesia.
His case was one of those highlighted in the
Amnesty International report When Justice
Fails which raised concerns about his lack of
access to a lawyer at the time of his arrest,
torture and the impartiality of the court
Mr Gunawan said that legally those prisoners
who had filed for presidential clemency
should be taken off the execution list
because they had not exhausted all their
legal avenue. Source: The Age


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