Wednesday 27 July 2016

Photos: Man remanded in prison custody for stealing cars in Enugu

Operatives of 9th mile Division of the Enugu
State Police Command have arrested and
charged a 26-year old suspect for stealing
The suspect identified as one Chinedu James
from Emene Enugu state has been remanded
in prison custody for allegedly stealing a
Cherry Tiggo Jeep with registration NO FA
211 EKY from where parked.The suspect who
is also known as NWA-EMENE on July 6th at
Destiny layout Emene Enugu allegedly stole
one Mercedez 190 with registration number
UGB 243 AA.
It was gathered that until his arrest, the
suspect has been in this nefarious activity of
stealing a car from where parked.
He was arraigned before His worship
Obiamaka of court 17 Enugu East
magisterial District on Wednesday, July 27
where he pleaded to five count charges of
stealing, unlawful possession amongst others
and pleaded not guilty to the charge and
remanded in prison custody while case is
adjourned to September 27.


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