Friday 29 July 2016

Ogun Police Rescue Another Child In Chains

The Ogun State Police Command says it has rescued a 10-year-old girl, Promise Ude, who was chained by her aunt for stealing 4,000 Naira at Adigbe area of Abeokuta, the state capital.

The rescue is coming barely a week after nine-year-old Korede Taiwo, who was chained by his pastor father, was rescued by security operatives in Ajibawo area of Ogun State.
The acting Police Public Relations Officer, Mr Abimbola Oyeyemi, disclosed that a middle aged man has been arrested in connection with the crime while another woman in connection with the incident is on the run.
Mr Oyeyemi promised that those involved in the evil act would be brought to book.
He asked for quality information that could lead to the arrest of the fleeing woman said to have perpetrated the act.
source channelstv


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