Sunday 24 July 2016

Lil Wayne storms off stage mid- performance at cannabis concert because fans were too mellow

Lil Wayne threw a little tantrum in the
middle of his performance at the High Times
Cannabis Concentrates Cup Show in San
Bernardino, California, on Saturday. He was
scheduled to perform for an hour, but in the
middle of his 4th song, he got angry,
dropped the mic and stormed off the stage.
Everything seemed fine at first, with the
headliner act walking out on stage at
9.30pm and even sparking a blunt much to
the excitement of the marijuana enthusiasts
that were in the audience.
The star followed a set from B.o.B and
The crowd was excited and thought he was
free styling when he said, "he would never do
high times again." Most of the crowd and
reps from High Times were confused about
the whole ordeal.
The concert organisers have vowed to get
their refund because they didn't know why he
But concert goers think that he may have
stormed off because of the mellow response
he got from weed smokers at the event.


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